In this post, we will look at the weightage of questions asked from the topic Profit and Loss and also look at some model questions frequently asked in the IT Placement Exams.

When it comes to Placement Exams or Competitive exams, it seems that Profit and Loss is a favorite topic. Now let me prove it.


As you can see out of total questions asked from Quantitative Aptitude on an average 10% of questions belong to the profit and loss category.

Now coming to questions. You may have a doubt that what kind of questions are being asked. So let me sort out for you. Below are the model questions usually asked in the exams.

Model Questions:-
  1. What is Profit/Loss and Profit% / Loss% or Discount/Discount % if CP, MP, SP are given?
  2. Find the ratio of CP to SP, if Profit% / Loss% is given?
  3. Find the ratio MP to SP if Discount% is given?
  4. Find the CP if SP, Profit% / Loss% are given?
  5. Find the SP if CP, Profit% / Loss% are given?
  6. Find SP such that SP=Profit% of SP / Loss% of SP condition and CP is given?
  7. Find SP if an article is sold at x% gain instead of y% loss such that he gains m rupees more. and vice versa.
  8. If SP= x Rs, he loses p% In order to gain y%. Find new SP.
  9. CP of n items = SP of m items. Find Gain% or Loss %.
  10. Find Profit% / Loss% when Profit / Loss=SP of m items when n items are sold.
  11. If SP=x Rs, CP becomes equal to Profit% / Loss% find CP.
  12. If loss=x% when SP of m items = k Rs. To gain y% Profit on the same m items. What must be the SP?
  13.  SP of 2 items = k Rs each. On one Profit% = x on other Loss% = y Find the overall Profit/Loss?
  14. If p items bought at x Rs and q items sold at y Rs.Find Profit% / Loss%?
  15. A person buys an item. He sells b of them at Profit% / Loss% of x and c i.e (a-b) of them at a Profit% / Loss% of y. If overall Profit% / Loss% =z. Find a/b/c/x/y/z based on what data is given?
  16. On selling an item at loss% = x. Had he sold at p Rs more, Profit% = y. What is the loss in rupees?
  17. Dishonest Person Problems.

Now you may feel that the list is very long, but trust me as you keep on learning new tricks and methods to solve the problems, you will feel very easy while writing your exam. But remember Aptitude requires lots of practice. So you need to keep practicing problems. Now from where do I get the problems? Don't worry! I got your back. While teaching every model question I myself will teach at least 3 problems on every model question and I will also provide you with practice problems.

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